Dave’s Homemade Loop Antennas
homemade loop antenna or loop aerial pages by N2DS Dave
homemade loop antenna or loop aerial pages by N2DS Dave
Low profile operating — SMALL LOOP ANTENNAS Magnetic loops are very effective small antennas. these 3 to 3 1/2+ foot antennas perform close to and in some cases (low mounting heights for one) better than even a small beam. The reason is that a magnetic field is much more concentrated than an electrical one, for
An AM loop antenna is one of the true marvels of electronics. Requiring no power, it takes advantage of the resonant properties of aninductor and a capacitor connected in parallel to receive weak AM stations. The “loop” part of the antenna is the inductor, and thetuning capacitor makes it resonate at a desired frequency.
RECEIVING ANTENNAS The K9FD Receiving Loop The Answer To Suburban DXing On the Low Bands – by K9FD Editor’s note: Merv Schweigert, K9FD, has been working jusl about everything on the 40, 80 and 160 meter band” this season. In this article he shares some of his experiences with receiving antennas. lf you live on
Here’s how to make the “Super” antenna. To build this antenna you need a lot that is at least 100 feet across.(This can be on a diagonal). Antenna covers all bands 80-10 meters + 30, 17, 12 meter WARC Bands This antenna works as a Full Wave Loop on 80 Meters and also works as
These Omnidirectional antennas offer Horizontal polarization, and about 2.1 dbd of gain
Loop Antennas The Principles of the Loop Antenna article was in a newsletter of the MDXC. The next three were from a talk that Mike Bates and James Dale gave to the Northland Antique Radio Club’s Radio Workshop at the Pavek Museum of Broadcasting.
Article by W2BRI After many requests by Ben W4KSY*, someone I consider to be my loop mentor, I decided to post a page about my 80 meter magnetic loop. The idea for this loop began with my purchase of a new vertical antenna. Now when you think of 26 feet of antenna, it doesn’t seem
A document I’ve cached about a delta loop antenna for the top band. Of course, as you can immagine, it requires a lot of free space….