The $4.00 Ham Radio Satellite Antenna
Simple, inexpensive ham radio satellite antenna project
Simple, inexpensive ham radio satellite antenna project
Hentenna project for the six meter band
This 4m Slim Jim is cheap and easy to build yet it greatly out performs the more usual dipole due to its low angle of radiation. An SWR of 1:1 is obtainable across the 4m FM band with simple adjustment. The photograph and PDF diagram show the construction, however a brief description is also given.
Schematics of a Dual Band Log Periodic Antenna by VA2PHI
This antenna is made from either an old CB whip or a stripped-down 2m 5/8 whip. When you strip down and re-shrink an antenna, be careful because some heat shrink tubes can change the antenna’s resonance, especially with helical windings. You can use a piece of 20mm conduit for the former of L2 with a
Simple 2 meter folded dipole antenna
A four element Yagi Antenna for 50 MHz band. The reflector and the director elements can be mounted directly to the metallic boom, while the Driven element must be insulated from the boom. The driven element is basically a simple folded dipole and foreseen a 4:1 balun. Usage of a folded dipole as driven element
A homebrew 13 elements yagi antenna for 144 MHz by I5MZY
An homebrew dual band j-pole antenna
A Dualband QUAD made with two identical square loops, whose sides measure a quarter wave (?/4), connected together