2m Folded Dipole
Simple 2 meter folded dipole antenna
Simple 2 meter folded dipole antenna
A simple coax vertical antenna for six meter band
In this article, VK5AH shares his know-how on building and tweaking the HF 4 Bander antenna. Packed with practical advice on setting it up, making adjustments, and understanding its performance
While camping by Lake Eyre, VK5AH invented a new antenna, better than the mobile whip. It clips onto the mobile mount and is hoisted onto a nearby tree. It works well at a 45-degree angle and can be adjusted for 160 meters.
This article discusses the characteristics of a 102 ft. center-fed dipole antenna strung between two 37 ft. poles. It explores predicted feedpoint impedance variations across different frequencies and the corresponding impact on the VSWR for various feedlines, based on EZNEC antenna modeling software predictions. It also analyses how alterations in element lengths of antennas significantly affect their performance at higher frequencies.
C1 250pF or more C2 250pF or more L1 31 mH 39 turns, 2 Inches (51mm) Diameter, 4 Inches (102mm) long. Tapped at 20T, 14T, 9T, 5T L2 0.25 mH 4 turns 1.2 Inches (30.5mm) Diameter, 2 Inches long. I used silver plated copper wire for L1 and L2. If you use enamelled copper wire,
EH Antenna for 80 meters band,
an ultra compact antenna for 3.6 MHz
A moxon beam antenna for 10 meters band
By Kees Wiegers, PA5CW (ex-PA3BHS) It looked impossible to get a large beam for 20 meters up a tower, but it was something I always wanted. So after attending a presentation by John Devoldere, ON4UN, of Merelbeke, Belgium, I decided to try and build my own beam. At the presentation, John demonstrated software for designing
A four element Yagi Antenna for 50 MHz band. The reflector and the director elements can be mounted directly to the metallic boom, while the Driven element must be insulated from the boom. The driven element is basically a simple folded dipole and foreseen a 4:1 balun. Usage of a folded dipole as driven element