The Optimized Wideband Antenna
Yagis for 20m – 10m by Nathan A. Miller NW3Z
Yagis for 20m – 10m by Nathan A. Miller NW3Z
THE G5RV ANTENNA The G5RV is a very popular antenna on the HF amateur band today. Despite it’s widespread use on the bands, there are some myths and misconceptions concerning the G5RV that seem to have a life of their own. Working with text from the ARRL “Antenna Compendium”, Volume 1, I would like to
by Randall Thompson, K5ZD Originally printed in the YCCC Scuttlebutt #119, October, 1995 I built my first Beverage this past year. It was so easy I can’t believe I lived without one. Here’s how to do it: Go to Home Depot (or other large hardware store) and buy a 500 ft roll #16 THHN or
The antenna was named for W4JRW who invented it and holds a patent on the basic principle and uses quarter wave stubs, which act as insulators at the frequency for which they are cut. For example, the 6’11” stub (quarter wave times the velocity factor 0.8 of the feed line used) blocks RF for 28
They say if it didn’t blow down it was not big enough, this one was big enough and it did blow, not off but up and over the top of the tower like an umbrella one very windy day in January 1974. I was at work and the XYL called and said the “thing” blew
Wound on a 3 foot length of PVC pipe, the long loopstick antenna was an experiment to try to improve AM radio reception without using a long wire or ground. It works fairly well and greatly improved reception of a weak station 130 miles away. A longer rod antenna will probably work better if space
Low profile operating — SMALL LOOP ANTENNAS Magnetic loops are very effective small antennas. these 3 to 3 1/2+ foot antennas perform close to and in some cases (low mounting heights for one) better than even a small beam. The reason is that a magnetic field is much more concentrated than an electrical one, for
This article was obtained from VE3GK experiences, constructing and designing full size, single band stacked yagi antenna arrays, special rotating, electric powered, telescoping towers and rotators. All the test results are from first hand experiments. VE3GK kept a record of these experiments and construction details and offer them for your interest. HISTORY I started out
An AM loop antenna is one of the true marvels of electronics. Requiring no power, it takes advantage of the resonant properties of aninductor and a capacitor connected in parallel to receive weak AM stations. The “loop” part of the antenna is the inductor, and thetuning capacitor makes it resonate at a desired frequency.
The following are construction details of a 5 element 20 meter monobander antenna originally published by VE3GK. However, this particular yagi was run through a computer program and performed very well. It was also scaled to 70 cm on a test range by the late VE3UD, Bud Punchard and the results compared with the computer