D-Rats 0.3.3 Download
D-Rats 0.3.3 for Windows – Free download
Amateur Radio Software reviews. Articles on ham software tested
D-Rats 0.3.3 for Windows – Free download
Google glass are wearable computer, with a built-in Android OS on it, and in this movie N3WG Nick Garner show us a sample application of a ham radio related application written for the Google Glass platform. Practically Nick is able to remote control an Elecraft KX3 radio via the Pigremote connected via Wi-Fi, of
Ham Radio Deluxe 5.x latest free version of ham radio deluxe
IP-Sound is a windows based application for audio exchange in a pont to point mode. It has been designed to work over a TCP/IPv4 network (internet). The main purpose of IP-Sound is to provide low quality audio 8-16kHz, with low latency for use together with remote control software
DL9KCE released a new version of his ICNIRPcalc software that allows you to calculate safety distances for many know amateur radio antennas with respect to ICNIRP limits. Calculations are done by considering many depending factors, like your Antenna characteristics, Band, Gain, Power Output, Coax Line, additional attenuation and many more. By variating any of these
Jacars2 is a free (as in beer) program designed to connect you to ACARSD servers around the world via the Internet. Jacars2 requires the Java runtime environment (JRE) and an internet connection. You are on your own for the connection, but get Java now. Provided you have the JRE installed, simply unzip Jacars2 and run