Category Archives: Antenna
Antenna plans, Antenna analysis and desig. Review of tested antennas and online projects
160 Meter linear loaded Tee vertical doublet antenna
I decided to publish this website in order to pass on some insights about this antenna that I’ve garnered through extensive experimentation. A warning though, some of the combined design aspects of the antenna may be unique and unorthodox, a think out of the box antenna design. Note! I do not have a B.S. or
Cubical Quad Design
The frequency scaling formulas for Cubical Quad antennas are shown in this picture. Note that frequency is measured in Megahertz {MHz} and the total length of each element is measured in feet {ft}. The spacing of each element is the same and all directors are the same size. The gamma match uses a small air
Discone Antenna for RTL SDR
I have been getting into software defined radio via RTLSDR and found the stock antennas woeful for reception and picked up a tonne of noise from my LCD and laptop – though it’s hardly surprising. So to improve the situation and spend as little as possible I decided to make a discone antenna. After some
Rotatable Dipoles
Ultra-portable 5ele 144MHz Pocket Portable Yagi
Please feel free to build or distribute the information on these antennas. G4DHF retain the copyright to the designs and ask that they are not manufactured for commercial gain. Introduction This is a design for a 5 element 2 Metre beam with a forward gain of 8dBD and a front to back ratio of over
40m 3 element Yagi
6 Meter Halo Antenna Design
This halo antenna by KB1DIGÂ is made with a true Gamma Section this time and is fashioned from aluminum. Most of the parts are leftovers from old car projects. The best part is it’s omnidirectional! The 3/8″ fuel-line I used came from Summit Racing Equipment: #SUM-G2538, and a 25′ section costs
Notes on Cubic Quads
Cubic Quads KQ6RH (C) 1998, 1999, 2000 Ray Jurgens (Up-Dated 2/25/2000)  Cubic Quads  The cubic quad is a very popular way to get reasonably high gain and excellent front to back ratios as well as low angles of radiation for without going to extreme heights. Here I present several designs that that achieve
5/8 Collinear antenna
5/8 VHF Collinear antenna