Even if outdated, is still a good program to calculate and desing yagi antennas elements dimensions, sizing and spacing.
I’ve used it to verify some antenna plans I’ve found on the net.
It’s particularity is that you at first need to tell the program the size of your antenna and then, you can calculate resonating frequency, expected SWR and optimize the design.
well, i found my error. i have to run the program in vdos. even after this was installed, i could only read files that were stored in the program.
when I tried the new design dropdown, i was allowed to enter Number of elements, diameter, scalar unit (cm), but it did not ask for center frequency. so a lot of zeros came up.
also, when hitting ALT key, only FILES, DIMENSIONS, HELP came up, nothing on others.
I can remmember DOS 6.2.2, and I dont even get help with F! press. somethings corrupted somewhere. or it’s been too long since ive done this, Ken