Today during our Club annual “Filetto Day” , a parody event of the famous ARRL Field Day, I’ve been able to compare my Buddipole Antenna, with a home made 20-40 Wire Dipole antenna.
I want to share here my experience that should be considered just a simple personal test.
The Wire Dipole won the comparison. Signals were much more stronger compared to the ones received on the Buddipole tuned on the 20 meters band. QRM sounded higher on Buddipole.
The comparison has been conducted, in a mountain top, at 1500 meters a.s.l., by switching the antenna to a Yaesu FT-857D, while listining to stations calling and listening to several QSOs on 20 meters band only.
The Buddipole used is a commercia multiband antenna, self supporting thanks to the original tripod, and has a small dimensions.
The Wire dipole is easy to home made, is not multiband as the buddipole and requires a larger area to be setup. I used a fiberglass fish pole as supporting mast.
Which height did the wire dipole havem and which height the Buddipole?
Hi Ekki,
alost same height.
Inverted V dipole central heigt was aprox 7 meters, the horizontal dipole of the buddipole was aprox 4.5 meters above the ground.
This is not good compared.You should have bold antenna’s at the same hight ,Now you have to differend antenne’s