Microphone Connections
Welcome, this page discribes microphone wiring connections for most UK and foreign radios. Most U.S. radios are “Code Type 2”, so if the radio you want to wire a mic up for is not mentioned here, be sure to try out “Code Type 2”. If you know of any other radio / microphone wire schemes that are not mentioned here, please send me a E-Mail to the address at the bottom of the screen.
To Use this Chart: Look up your radio. To the left is a “Type” number. Look further down the Chart to CODE section. Find your number. This is your radio’s mic wiring. Further down the Chart are a few microphone’s and their wiring pinouts. Remember that the Shield wire is most alway’s wrapped around the Audio wire.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Radio                    TYPE ------------------------------- Academy CB501            4 Academy CB502            4 Alan (Midland) 555       2 Alan {Midland) 560       15 Alba CBM1                1 Alpha 4000               1 Amstrad CB900            4 Amstrad CB901            1 Antron CB5097            9 Atron 507   2 Audioline 340            2 Audioline 341            2 Audioline 345            2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Barracuda GT868          4 Barracuda HB940          1 Beta 1100 (Kernow)       1 Beta 2100 (Kernow)       12 Beta 3100 (Kernow)       12 Binatone 5 Star          1 Binatone Route 66        1 Binatone Speedway        1 Boman CB 515 - 525 535 - 710 - 910 - 920 930 - 950 - 970 - 990    1 Braemar PT40             1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CB master 2040   17 Cheiza CB702             4 Cobra 18LTD              2 Cobra 18 PLUS            3 Cobra 18RV               3 Cobra 18ULTRA            2 Cobra 19                 2 Cobra 19DX-LTD           2 Cobra 19GTL              2 Cobra 19LTD              2 Cobra 19Plus             3 Cobra 19ULTRA            2 Cobra 19X                3 Cobra 20 LTD             3 Cobra 20PLUS             3 Cobra 21                 2 Cobra 21GTL              2 Cobra 21LTD              2 Cobra 21LTD-CLASSIC      2 Cobra 21XFM              3 Cobra 21XLR              2 Cobra 23 PLUS            3 Cobra 25                 2 Cobra 25GTL              2 Cobra 25LTD              2 Cobra 25LTD-CLASSIC GOLD 2 Cobra 25LTD-WX CLASSIC   2 Cobra 25PLUS             2 Cobra 26                 2 Cobra 29                 2 Cobra 29LTD              2 Cobra 29LTD-CLASSIC      2 Cobra 29LTD-CLASSIC-GOLD 2 Cobra 29LTDWX CLASSIC    2 Cobra 29PLUS             2 Cobra 29XLR              2 Cobra 31PLUS             2 Cobra 33PLUS             2 Cobra 40X                2 Cobra 41 PLUS            3 Cobra 77X                2 Cobra 78X                2 Cobra 86XLR              2 Cobra 87GTL              2 Cobra CAM-89             2 Cobra 89GTL              2 Cobra 89XLR              2 Cobra 90                 14 Cobra 90 LTD             14 Cobra 93LTD-WX           2 Cobra 135                2 Cobra 135XLR             2 Cobra 138XLR             2 Cobra 139XLR             2 Cobra 140GTL             14 Cobra 142GTL             14 Cobra 148GTL             14 Cobra 146GTL             2 Cobra 148-F-GTL          14 Cobra 148GTL-B           2 Cobra 148GTL-DX          2 Cobra 1000GTL            2 Cobra 2000GTL            14 Cobra 2010               14 Colt 210                 17 Colt 220                 17 Colt 222                 17 Colt 290                 1 Colt 295                 3 Colt 390 - 480 - 485     1 Colt 510                 17 Colt 800 - 870 1000 - 1200 - 2400       1 Commtel GT858            4 Commtel GT868            4 Commtron CB40F           3 Commtron CXX            17 Commtron X11            17 Communicator NI440DX     1 Compact 40               1 Connex 3300              2 Consam 1320              1 Courier Galaxy           14 Craig L193               2 Craig L101 - L102        19 Craig L104               2 Craig L131               18 Craig L232               14 Craig L231 - L331        14 Craig 4101 - 4102 4103 - 4104 - 4201       19 Cybernet Beta 1000       1 Cybernet Beta 2000       1 Cybernet Beta 3000       1 Cybernet Delta 1         1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Danita 440               7 Danita 640               2 Dirland 77-099           2 Dirland SuperStar 3900   2 Dirland SuperStar 3900B  2 DNT M40                  5 DNT B40FM                5 Domico Convoy 1          1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Eagle 2000               2 Eagle 5000               15 Elftone    4 Emperor TS-5010          16 Eurosonic ES404          1 Eurosonic Euro II        1 Eurosonic GT868          1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Falcon FCB1281           1 Fidelity CB1000FM        4 Fidelity CB2000FM        1 Fidelity CB2001FM        1 Fidelity 3000FM          4 Ford Roadmaster 505      1 Formac 88-120   1 Formac 88 (5 pin)  17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Galaxy DX33HML           2 Galaxy 33Plus            2 Galaxy DX44V             2 Galaxy DX55              2 Galaxy DX66V             2 Galaxy DX77HML           2 Galaxy DX77V             2 Galaxy DX88HML           2 Galaxy 2100              2 Galaxy Jupitor           2 Galaxy Mars              2 Galaxy Mirage            2 Galaxy Mirage 44         2 Galaxy Pluto             2 Galaxy Saturn            2 Galaxy Saturn 2          2 Galaxy Sirius            2 Galaxy Super Galaxy      2 Gecol    4 Grandstand Base          9 Grandstand Bluebird      7 Grandstand Gemini        7 Grandstand Hawk          1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ham International (all models)              1 Harrier CB                                              1 Harier CBX                                             1 Harier HQ                                               1 Harry Moss 325                                      2 Havard 402 (H160)                                 1 Havard H403 G/Buddy                           11 Havard H404                                           1 Havard H407                                           1 Havard 420M (H405)                             1 Havard H646                                           1  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Icom ICB1050             1 Interceptor TC300        1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jesan KT200              1 Jesan KT4004             1 Jesan KT 7007            1 Jesan Pro 8000           1 Johnstone   4 JWR M2                   1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kestral                  1 Kraco 4004   2 Kraco 4030   1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lake Manxman 850         4 Lake Manxman 950         4 Lancaster                1 LCL 2740                 5 LCL Economy              5 LCL Enterprise           5 Legionairre              11 Lowe TX40                3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Manor Kestrel   1 Maxcom 6E                3 Maxcom Appolo 16E        3 Maxcom 20E               3 Maxcom 21E               3 Maxcom 30E               1 Maxon MX1000             12 Maxon MX2000             12 Maycom EM27   12 Midland 2001             1 Midland 3001             1 Midland 4001             1 Midland 77-095           1 Midland 77-099           3 Midland 77-104           3 Midland 77-805           13 Midland Power Max        1 Moonraker Major          1 Moonraker Minor          1 Murphy CBH1500   20 Murphy CBH1500           10 Murphy DS602             1 Mustang CB1000           1 Mustang CB2000           1 Mustang CB3000           1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nato 2000   1 Nentone                  3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pama GX19                1 Pama GX25                1 Pama GX1000              1 Pama GX2000              1 Planet 2000              1 Pyramid 1300             2 Pyramid CB-22            1 Pyramid CB-24            1 Pyramid CB-25            1 Pyramid CB-26            1 Pyramid CB-28            1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Radiomobile CB201        1 Radiotechnic RT852       5 Ranger 2950              15 Ranger 2970              15 Ranger 2900              15 Ranger 2990              15 Realistic TRC2000        6 Realistic TRC2001        6 Realistic TRC2002        6 Realistic TRC3000        6 Reftec 934               1 Rotel RVC220             1 Rotel RVC230             1 Rotel RVC240             1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sapphire X2000           4 Sapphire X4000           1 Satcom Scan 40F          1 Satcom Scan 4000         1 Shogun                   8 Sirtel Searcher          3 SMC Oscar 1              1 SMC Oscar 2              1 Spinneytronic CB199      1 Sun 401                  1 Superstar 2000   1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Team Eurocontrol         12 Team Euro 3004           12 Team Euro 3100UK         1 Team TRX404              1 Team TRX404UK            1 Team TS290               12 Team TS1000              3 Team TSM404              1 Telecom TC900   21 Transcom GBX4000         1 Transcom 1000,2000,3000  1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Uniden 100               2 Uniden 200               2 Uniden 300               2 Uniace 400 (934)         1 Uniden 400 (cept)        2 Uniden PC404             2 Uniden PRO 420E          2 Uniden PRO 450E          2 Uniden PRO 620E          2 Uniden HR-2510           16 Uniden HR-2600           16 Uniden Grant XL          14 Uniden Lincoln           16 Uniden Washington        14 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Viper 88                 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wagner 506               9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- York JCB861              1 York JCB863              1 York JCB867              1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zodiac M144              7 Zodiac M244              7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wiring Codes Explained: Type 1 1 = Audio 2 = Ground / Common 3 = Receive 4 = Transmit Type 2 1 = Ground / Common 2 = Audio 3 = Transmit 4 = Receive Type 3 1 = Audio 2 = Transmit 3 = N/C 4 = Ground / common 5 = Receive Type 4 1 = Receive 2 = Transmit 3 = Audio 4 = Ground / Common Type 5 1 = Audio 2 = N/C 3 = Transmit 4 = Ground / Common 5 = N/C Type 6 1 = Ground / common 2 = N/C 3 = Transmit 4 = Audio 5 = Receive Type 7 1 = Audio 2 = Ground / Common 3 = Transmit 4 = N/C 5 = Receive Type 8 1 = Audio 2 = Ground / Common 3 = Transmit 4 = Receive 5 = 12 Volt Feed Type 9 1 = Ground / Common 2 = Audio 3 = Transmit 4 = N/C Type 10 1 = Recieve 2 = Ground / Common (Linked) 3 = Transmit 4 = Audio Type 11 1 = Audio 2 = Ground / Common 3 = Transmit 4 = Receive Type 12 1 = Audio 2 = Receive 3 = Transmit 4 = Down/Up 5 = Ground / Common 6 = N/C or volts Type 13 1 = Transmit 2 = Receive 3 = N/C 4 = Ground / Common 5 = Audio Type 14 1 = Audio 2 = Ground / Common 3 = Receive 4 = Switching Wire 5 = Transmit Type 15 1 = Ground / Common 2 = Audio 3 = Transmit 4 = Receive 5 = Channel Up 6 = Channel Down Type 16 1 = Audio 2 = Ground / Common 3 = Transmit 4 = Channel Up 5 = Channel Down Type 17 1 = Audio 2 = Transmit 3 = Shield 4 = N/C 5 = Receive Type 18 1 = N/C 2 = Audio 3 = Receive 4 = Shield 5 = Transmit Type 19 1 = N/C 2 = Audio 3 = Shield 4 = Receive 5 = Transmit Type 20 1,2 = Screen 3 = Transmit 4 = Audio Type 21 1 = Audio 2 = Screen 3 = Transmit 4 = Receive 5 = n/c  Microphone Colour Codes Altai(All) Shield = Ground Black = Common Red = Mic or Audio White = TX Blue = RX  Astatic 4 Wire 575M, D104M, TUG-8, Shield= Common White= Mic or Audio Red= Tx Black= Rx  Astatic 6 Wire 575M-6, 636L,D104M-6, M6B,1104C/CM, T-UG9, T-UP9, Diamond/Golden Eagle, Night K/Silver K Eagle, Road Devil Shield = Ground Blue = Common White = Mic or Audio Red = TX Black = RX Yellow = Audio Switch  Cobra CA- 70 /71 / 72 / 79 / 80 Shield = Ground Black = Common Red = Mic or Audio White = Tx. Blue = Rx. CTE F10 & F16 Shield = Common Blue = Mic or Audio White = TX Red = RX  Daiwa EM-500 Shield = Ground Black = Common Red = Mic or Audio White = Tx. Blue = Rx.  Galaxy DC-521S (4 Wire) Shield = Common Yellow = Mic or Audio Red = Tx. Black = Rx.  Galaxy CB-660EI / EIR Shield = Ground Black = Common White = Mic or Audio Red = Tx. Blue = Rx  Heatherlite Shield = Common White = Mic or Audio Red = TX Black = RX  K40 Shield = Ground Black = Common White = Mic or Audio Red = TX Blue = RX Yellow = Audio Switch  Realistic 5 wire Shield = Common White = Mic or Audio Red = TX Black = RX Blue = Audio Switch  Sadelta (All) Bravo Plus, EchoMaster +/ Pro, ME-3, MB-4, MB-4 W/R.B. Shield = Common White = Mic or Audio Brown = TX Green = RX  Turner 3 Wire Shield = Common White = Mic or Audio Black = TX Red = RX  Turner 6 Wire Expander 500, Road Kink 56 / 76 Shield = Shield Red = Common White = Mic Or Audio Blue = TX Black = RX Yellow = Audio Switch  Valor PDC-66/67 Shield= Common White= Mic or Audio Red= Tx Black= Rx Zetagi Shield = Common Yellow = Audio Black = TX Red = RX
Tnx for the valuable microphone wiring references ……I found the information I needed this time and a valuable resource for future research with the ” screwdriver and solder – weapon”…..I am much obliged!!!
what a great idea to publish this on your website ,,,great,tnx
Rob de pa5rob
Thank you for publishing this most comprehensive list.
Jim aka Long Distance Operator – Searcy, Ar
The Turner 3 wire if used on a 2510 would you connect the red and shield together as there is no recieve connection on the 2510.
i have a Trinidad 2 base 23 channel and im trying to wire a cobra hand held mic to it.. Any one have a diagram for this novice to work with.. The mic has 4 female holes and it plugs into the base but there is no sound until keyed then i hear sound.. It does not transmit.. any help would be greatly appreciated.. email me at gary_dube36@yahoo.com.. Thanx Gary
Can anyone please give me the wiring code for the echo sadelta master plus to go into the icom706 mk2 your help is much appreciated. My email address mu876@hotmail.co.uk please let me know via email thanks you
Hi, What wiring information do you have that shows how and connections for a Astatic D-104 G and other D-104 amplified. ?
Allan=kb5doh (check me out on QRZ.com) anyone with information.
Thanks for excellent informations you provide us Simone. 73
What effect will a Turner Plus 3 transistorized microphone with a 5000 ohm impedance connected to a Yeasu FT-847 which usually has a dynamic microphone with a 190 ohm impedance have on the quality of the sound produced ?
Looking for the wiring to use the sadelta echo master plus on my Kenwood ts430-s
I have a Uniace 300 and I wish to wire my Astatic Silver Eagle, I can get it to tx but not to rx . Your help would be appreciated.
Regards John