Dave’s Homemade Loop Antennas
homemade loop antenna or loop aerial pages by N2DS Dave
homemade loop antenna or loop aerial pages by N2DS Dave
Article by Dave N2DS A tuner like this has appeared with some of my high performance radios, such as my #35 and #50 sets. This type of tuner has worked very well with the accompanying detector board to make a nice dx crystal radio. My aim was to put as much versatility into this tuner
Taken from a usenet post by John Doty in 1996 In article <9612182335114148@mogur.com> len.anderson@mogur.com (Len Anderson) writes: > TV>> I wonder if a longwire balun would help match the impedance & provide a> TV>> better signal? > No, it will (primarily) change only the magnitude of the antenna> impedance over frequency. Some bands will have
Home-made antennas can greatly improve the performance of AM and FM radios, short-wave receivers, and scanners. If you are a talk-radio fan then experiment with the AM band antennas and you will be able to hear shows from all over the country with surprising clarity. Short-wave receivers are always coping with weak signals and they
Wound on a 3 foot length of PVC pipe, the long loopstick antenna was an experiment to try to improve AM radio reception without using a long wire or ground. It works fairly well and greatly improved reception of a weak station 130 miles away. A longer rod antenna will probably work better if space
Receiving HF signals at my location is a compromise situation due to the antennas I use and the high noise environment in the city. Although my transceiver has good selectivity and excellent filters, I suffer from high noise conditions that at times make receiving a chore. This is true for both weak-signal DX as well
I began dxing in 1986 with my old MARC II shortwave receiver. I used to wonder what it would be like to dx from distant points all over the world and country. I never would have imagined someday I would be using remote controlled receivers worldwide. We can use Icom PCR 1000’s, AOR_AR 5000’s, Kenwoods,